PPC and Email Marketing
It will soon be possible to subscribe to email newsletters when clicking on a paid search ad. For instance if you are searching for a particular brand, a paid search ad may come up inviting you to subscribe to an email bulletin for money off deals.
This new ad format also includes another feature. When logged into Google a box will display your Google mail address. Names of products or brands can be entered into this box to get money saving offers. Your contact details will be sent to the advertiser who will send you the deals.
This is a great new form of lead generation for the pay-per-click advertiser, who will likely be paying Google for each email address submitted.
It is also great for the user because they can now get email newsletters and money off vouchers at the click of a button.
Cornish WebServices are PPC management experts. We can advise our clients on all the paid search benefits and improvements that will enable them to reach more customers and generate more leads.
For more information on our pay-per-click management services, browse our useful PPC advice pages.