Good Things About Google+
Google’s answer to social networking is now becoming established and people are noting its strengths and weaknesses.
Google+ is claimed to give you greater control over the information you share, perhaps more than rivals Facebook and Twitter.
With its ‘Circles’ enabling users to create groups of friends and colleagues, Google says the “project aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.”
Tony Bradley of PC World shares his thoughts on the benefits (and drawbacks) of Google+:
I devoted yesterday to whining about the five things that bug me the most about Google+. Today, I take a look at the other side of the coin with the five things I like most about Google+ after going through the 30 Days With Google+ experience.
Cornish WebServices can offer advice on social networking and which platform might be best for your business – whether it be Facebook, Twitter or the new Google+. For advice and consultancy on your social networking strategy contact us today.