Search Rankings Boosted by Social Media


The targeted use of social media like Twitter and Facebook could help to improve a websites search engine rankings, therefore boosting brand awareness.

Companies need to invest time in building online relationships with key influencers, writes SEO specialist Trung Ngo:

The lines between SEO and social media are quickly diminishing as search engines begin to use links from Twitter and Facebook in their ranking algorithms. Recently, Google and Bing both confirmed that links from Twitter and Facebook carry some weight in determining a page's rank in regular search results.

To date, the effects of links in tweets and links in Facebook posts are still relatively small. However, SEO experts agree that search engines will likely increase their use of this data over time.

Read more at iMedia Connection

Written by Trung Ngo, February 14th 2011.


The above article agrees with some of our comments in an earlier articles:

Recent changes in standard Google search algorithm mean all forward looking businesses must embrace social media whether they want to or not. It now impacts mainstream search.

Social Media - Leapfrogging our business systems backwards

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