Social Media Predictions for 2012
Social Media is set to escalate in popularity in 2012. Cornish WebServices offer social media consultancy to a number of our clients so it is important for us to stay ahead of what is happening in the world of social networking.
Therefore we have a few predictions of what might be happening in the social sphere in 2012. Although Facebook and Twitter are still the big players in social networking, other platforms are starting to make their mark.
Google + is the biggest rival to their crown and now that it has rolled out its service to business users, more and more companies will start to adopt it to promote their brand.
Businesses may also start to integrate their online sales with the social networks more. For example organisations are now starting to sell and promote products directly from sites like Facebook.
So it may be that in future some dispense with websites and use the social networks as their main internet marketing tool.
It is therefore important to make sure your Facebook page is effective and gains a significant number of fans if you are going to use it for online promotion.
Cornish WebServices can help you set up a successful Facebook page for your business that makes you stand out online. We also manage social media to ensure regular updates to your social networks.
For more social media predictions for the coming year read Cindy King's article on socialmediaexaminer