Are Facebook Likes Worth More Than Tweets?
To further fuel the ongoing popularity contest between social networking sites, it has been announced that Facebook could be more profitable for online businesses than Twitter.
It seems, according to event registration service Evebrite, that Facebook 'likes' drive revenue to websites "more effectively than the average tweet". This means companies will get better return on investment for their internet marketing efforts if they concentrate on maximizing the number of Facebook 'likes' rather than 'tweets' on Twitter.
For more read this recent article in
If event registration site Eventbrite’s experience is any indication, social media marketers looking for monetary returns on their efforts might get more value from Facebook than Twitter.
The company announced Wednesday that an average tweet about an event drove 80 cents in ticket sales during the past six months, whereas an average Facebook Like drove $1.34.
Written by Sarah Kessler, 17 March 2011.