Anti slip tiles and the law
Anti-slip tiles are very often used in public places which need to comply with legal requirements of legislation.
This is because “Slips and trips” are the most common of workplace hazards and make up over a third of all major injuries. According to the HSE, over 10,000 workers suffered serious injury because of a slip or trip last year (2010).
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) requires all employers to ensure the health and safety of all their employees and anyone else who may be affected by their work. This includes taking steps to control risks from slips and trips.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 extended the HSWA (1974) and included duties on employers to actually assess the risks (eg of slipping) and where necessary take action to safeguard health and safety and to prevent slips and trips occurring at work.
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 produced by the Health and Safety executive requires floors to “be suitable, in good condition and free from obstructions”. People must be able to move around safely without risk of injury.
These laws have been used and in 2002 Strathclyde Fire Brigade was held liable after a fireman sustained injuries after slipping on a floor which was not suitable partly as the tiles were not made from a non–slip material.
The HSE has made available a variety of resources to help architects and builders create places with lower risks from slipping. But if you are need tiles in a public area you may need to consider the anti-slip properties (non slip tiles) as well as other issues such as size, colour and cost.