Building an ecommerce website the wrong way
How do you setup and Ecommerce business effectively?
We get too many requests to do search engine optimisation on a new Ecommerce website after the website has been developed and just placed live on the new domain. But this is not the most effective way of marketing any Ecommerce business.The next few paragraphs explain how to be more effective at setting up an ecommerce business.
If you are looking for marketing advice on launching a new Ecommerce business, then contact us for a quick quotation on how we can help.
The wrong way to develop an Ecommerce website
The wrong way to launch an ecommerce business is to start with logos and branding, then build the website and the shopping cart and then once the website has been built and maybe even launch to think about search engine optimisation and Internet Marketing.
The right way to develop an Ecommerce website
To launch an Ecommerce website successfully requires considering the marketing from the start. Logos and branding should be based on market research, but an established offline business may well be using existing logos, as brand awareness is as important online as offline.
The visual design of the website should be based on people's behaviour on a website, on usability and on aiming to generate sales. Ecommerce websites aim to sell by online order or phone call prompted by website browsing. The visual layout and design of the website must consider this.
Before the website is coded, keyword research should be undertaken to enable the website to be created as search engine friendly as possible. This enables the website to be built around your market keywords and not simply optimised for them later on.
New domain names take a while to be recognised in Google as trustworthy and important. Getting a website with relevant content into Google is therefore very important and implementing a pre-trade website will greatly help the website marketing once the full Ecommerce website is launched. This might not always be needed or cost effective if development time is less than 8 weeks, but for larger projects the ongoing marketing benefits will outweigh any extra costs. This will enable the external SEO work to be started before the Ecommerce site is actually launched, making the launch more effective. Planning the marketing ahead of time allows paid AdWords advertising to start immediately as this can be prepared ready to go as soon as the site is ready to take payments.
Also not to be forgotten are opportunities for increased sales trough email marketing and viral marketing.
Need help in defining or implementing your Marketing Strategy for your new Ecommerce venture? Contact us for a discussion on how we can help.
Cornish WebServices are primarily an Internet Marketing Company. We design and build websites as marketing tools to achieve sales results, rather then just concentrating on the visual appearance. Design is a very important part of this process, just not the only part of the process.
Contact us for more information on this type of work, and we can provide further information on the specific services and expertise we can supply.