Deciding on the Right Font for Company Logos
If you are a designer and are thinking about creating a new logo, it can be difficult to decide which font is contemporary and eye-catching.
You can get inspiration and understand current trends in logo fonts and design by looking at what other brands are doing.
An article in, an online tips magazine for designers and bloggers, reveals more:
Do you find yourself staring at other designer’s logo and immediately try to decipher what typeface they are using? If you are a designer, it is probably an inevitable habit. There are no hard and fast rules to help you determine which typeface you should land on for your logo. And due to the fact that we are showered with thousands of free fronts on the Internet, deciding on the ideal font to use can be a challenging task.
If you have experimented hundreds of fonts but they just don’t work out right for you, suffering from design block where you don’t what font to use or you are just curious on what fonts others are using for their logo, this article is for you. Today we have analyzed some top brands of their respective industry and reveal the font they used in their logo.
Written by Sonia Mansfield, 7th March 2011.
Our designers have good knowledge of fonts and make sure they know which typefaces are currently popular in logo design. We believe it is advisable to consult a professional design agency like Cornish WebServices if you are thinking of a logo overhaul. Experienced website designers will also be able to recommend which font will work best both in print and on your company website. Contact us for expert advice on logo design.