SEO for Occasion Photo Frames (Permark)

"163% visitor increase in one month"


  • SEO Management accessible website design
  • Social Media Set Up
  • Ecommerce Advice


To implement an SEO campaign that increases the number of visitors to the Occasion Photo Frames website and generates sales.


Cornish WebServices carried out a number of SEO solutions that optimised Permark's ecommerce website, in order to bring in customers looking for specific products.

Their visibility on the internet was also increased by creating a Facebook page for Occasion Photo Frames.


There was an incredible 163% increase in the number of visits from August to September 2011. There was also a 92% increase in the number of transactions and site revenue increased by 68%.

Traffic coming in from referring sites, principally Coupon Chief and Facebook, has also risen over 74% which demonstrates the benefit of using voucher codes as well as social media.

Email usTel: +44 (0)330 555 4680

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